Making you stand out from the crowd
My name is David Neaves
I have always been into art and creativity, even as a young kid. Always drawing, making things, creating my own characters and cartoons etc.
However, my life chose a different path after leaving school. Fast forward 25 years and I used drawing/colouring as a way of relaxing/de-stressing and clearing my mind. I wanted to try and change a pair of trainers (another passion of mine) that I had and started to research how I could do it.
Months of research and learning, I jumped in at the deep end and bought all the paints, brushes, airbrush etc and got to customising my first pair, the rest as they say is history.
Now I love FINALLY using my artistic talent to create amazing pieces of work, from a blank pair of trainers and knowing they will be loved by you.
I hope you love wearing them as much as I love creating them.